Thursday, September 1, 2016

Mystery Stories - Cemetery or burial is always attached to things magical and mystical, and it was believed by many people since the era ancestors. Even some circles also make the grave as a place to get a "science". Grave which became the final resting place of those who have died, it is said often bring terrible mystical stories so that people who hear his story too busy to come to look at directly. One of mythical stories that had scandalize many in the homeland are strange events that happened at the funeral Ki Mai Sumenep, East Java. According to the story, one of the cemetery that supposedly exploded into a bad sign. The bizarre incident occurred in one cemetery in Karawang, West Java. Where in one of the graves grow corpse flower Rafflesia Arnoldi. It is said that in the interest of spiritual eyes should not be disturbed because guarded by a supernatural creature named Princess Flower. In Indonesia alone as two funeral events above, is not a new story first occurred. But there are many strange and unusual occurrences in some areas also save a mystical story. Anywhere? And what kind of story?


Mystery Stories - Stories Mbah Ali Kwintang become one of the stories that many people mengeggerkan homeland. How not to be strange in the tomb appeared spray of water very much while the tomb of Habib Abdurrahman Bin Abdullah Al Habsy will be on the move. These events provoke some mystical stories of many people especially the water coming out of the tomb is said to have many benefits. But the immediate family to remind people not to make the incident as a faith that is misleading.


Mystery Stories - After death the body will naturally decay until finally leaving the bones. It became the event that can not be disputed, I wonder if there is an incident where the bodies of those who have died remained intact directly horrendous many people. The incident occurred in one of the cemetery in Tangerang, where the bodies of one Kiyai named KH Abdullan believer intact after death for 26 years.


Mystery Stories - no less bizarre incident occurred in one of the menghebohkannya cemetery Rorotan, North Jakarta. From the stories circulating a cemetery inhabited by the mother and the child suddenly bloodletting. The incident was immediately stir a lot of people, especially the blood coming out of the grave fishy smell that stung.


Mystery Stories - The event that occurred in the cemetery area of ​​Cipinang, East Jakarta has become one of the mythical story is enough to make a great shudder crippled feathers. In profiled one grave almost every night issued a cry. The suspect cries came from the grave gorgeous teen named Desi who died of a mysterious illness. Of rumors circulating, it is a cry painful cries because her family was involved with pesugihan.


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